The life and times of a growing mother.

After nearly four months of hard work, my documentary is finally finished. I hope you enjoy.

My Unique Narrative Style

After much deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that I want to stay with my original narrative style. I have based this style on a very well known and respected journalist.


This reflection looks at one way in which I could end the documentary.

Possible Introduction

As the openning of any documentary is key. I deliberated long and hard on how I was going to start, this was one option.


Here I discuss the difficulties I had in finding various contacts.

Imagine The Responsibility

The following blog places myself in Thandiswa's boyfriends shoes. To actually iagine what it would be like if I, at the age of sixteen, had impregnated my girlfriend at that time.


About Me

My photo
I am a fourth year radio student studying at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. This blogsite will document my last year of Radio Journalism as a student. My aim is to be as proffesional as possible in this industry, and to take all my academic assignments as seriously as if they were for a corporation. Below will hold various accounts of my experiences, as well as how I feel I will grow as a journalist.
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